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Meeting The Boss

Posted on Thu Mar 23rd, 2023 @ 1:34am by Lieutenant Commander Faith Benson & Lieutenant JG Andrew Griffin
Edited on on Tue Mar 28th, 2023 @ 10:20am

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: The Hunt Begins
Location: Chief Security Officer's Office - Deck 10 - USS Artemis
Timeline: MD004 1300 hrs

-Private Quarters-

Once he was finished with the Captain and First Officer. Andy quickly found his new quarters and showered. Then after changing into a cleaner uniform and tidying his hair. He went off to find his department head.


Andy walked in and looked around. Then he saw someone with a higher rank than him. Standing to attention he spoke.

“ Lieutenant junior grade Andrew Roland Griffin reporting for duty. SIR!” He said

It was an oddity most times to actually find Faith in her Security Office as she more preferred to be on the Bridge at Tactical, unless something else required her attention down here. Which at the moment it did. Closing out a file she was looking at. Her violet eyes looking up at the voice and then fully to Griffin. Pushing to stand up, "Alright, Lieutenant. I saw that you were suppose to be doing so." At least he didn't salute..Giving a smile, "At ease, at, ease. Please, sit."

Andy did as ordered and sat down. Looking around his first impression was very good.

“ You have a very nice ship here. This is the first time I have come across a Luna Class Starship. Is it true we have our own prison?” He asked.

"It is actually true, that this particular Luna class has been refitted to have a full prison, yes."

On his way to the Artemis Andy had dreamt on the transport shuttle about the prison on the ship.

“ The Captain told me I would be pairing up with Lieutenant Sorine Kiada on investigations. Will some of my duties entail prison work?” Andy asked.

"With Sorine?" She tilted her head a little bit. "It's possible depending on the rotation."
Andrew considered this.

“ When you say rotation does this mean we will be serving in other departments such Medical or Science?” He asked.

Faith shook her head, "No, rotation in our own department. Different cycles of perhaps on the Bridge, or at the cells, or just patroling the decks of the ship. Though sometimes that might take you to those locations, it's not a joint duty posting." She leaned just a little, "However...if it takes you to those locations and you want to sneak in a little cross learning, I won't tell anyone." Faith leaned back with a little smile.

Andy gulped slightly. He was new to this ship and did not wish to start his shipboard life with a lie. Clearing his throat he spoke.

“About bridge duty. I have had training even got a good score at the academy. It’s just I am a little rusty now. You see on DS9’s ops is based on a Cardassian design and I never really went anywhere on the Defiant apart from the mini brig. So I am a tad rusty on bridge duty.” Andy warned.

"I'm fully aware about how DS9 was set up, also aware they integrated Starfleet systems into it during the war. I was there and served on the Defiant actually. Bridge duty will come back to you with muscle memory, Mr. Griffin."

“ Well I hope so this looks like a good ship. I would really like to stay. I understand that my partner is Bajoran. As you know I was stationed on DS9 so I know there are some subjects to steer clear of. Is there anything I should not talk with her about?” Andy asked

Faith reached up and scratched the back of her neck a moment, "Why wouldn't you stay?" That was just confusing, given that Andy was assigned here for a reason, not at random. "Sorine? Best I can tell you is use your instincts. Just like you would during an investigation. Feel it out and gauge for yourself. If she brings one of those up then engage. Maybe it will do both of you some good to talk about those things at some point."

“ Yes. Sorry I think it’s first day nerves. You know being in a new place meeting new people. My first night on DS9 I got to my quarters and was violently sick. But I am older now so hopefully the Artemis waste system won’t see my lunch.” Andy replied.

A Joint Post By

Lieutenant Junior Grade Andrew Griffin
Criminal Investigations Officer, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit

Lieutenant Faith Benson
Chief Security/Tactical Officer, USS Artemis
Second Officer, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit


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